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New ISEGA Direct Food Contact Certifications for Adestor Adhesives


01/10/2014 0:00


Adestor's A251 and SP123 adhesives are now ISEGA certified for direct contact with food.

The acrylic adhesives A251 and SP123, part of Lecta's Adestor pressure-sensitive line, are now available with ISEGA certification for direct contact with dry and moist food. All Adestor facestock can be requested with these two adhesives.

A251 is a permanent adhesive for general applications and use; it adheres well to smooth and slightly rough or curved surfaces. SP123 is a super-permanent high-tack adhesive suitable for challenging, rough surfaces such as wood, cardboard and plastics (HPDE, PP, PET and PVC).

With this new certification, 6 Adestor adhesives now hold ISEGA certification for direct contact with food: 

- HM100 hot-melt adhesive: direct contact with dry or moist food 

- BC361 Plus, VR152, CG349 water-based acrylic adhesives: direct contact with dry, moist and fatty foods with a reduction factor of at least 2. 

This new approval enables Lecta to offer our customers a wide variety of pressure-sensitive materials especially suited for label manufacturing in the food industry. 

Adestor's ISEGA certifications are available in PDF format at ​, where you can also find technical specifications and in-depth information on all of Lecta's self-adhesive product range.