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Condat Silk Paper Tames the Wild in Photographs from the Natural History Museum of London


12/1/2014 12:00 AM


Condat silk paper has been chosen for the French edition of "50 Years of Wildlife Photographer of the Year", a stunning retrospective of nature photography. 

"Wildlife Photographer of the Year" is an annual competition recognizing the world’s greatest nature photographs. With this prestigious contest, celebrating its 50th edition this year, two key UK institutions - the Natural History Museum and BBC Worldwide - help to raise awareness of and protect the diversity of life on Earth. 
Lecta has had the pleasure of participating in the French edition of this extraordinary volume, "L'Art de la photographie de nature", published by Biotope. 

Condat’s coated silk paper, resistant with a satin finish, allows the “wild” nature of the most beautiful work from the world’s leading nature photographers to emerge. Photographers such as Frans Lanting, Jim Brandenburg, Vincent Munier, Michael Nichols and Paul Nicklen, to name a few, have had a profound influence on the evolution of wildlife photography, which has become a fully fledged art form in itself. 

From vibrant color to pure deep whites, Condat silk reconciles extremes for high-contrast results in nearly 150 exceptional prints that will delight photography fans and nature lovers alike.

The partnership between Biotope, a publishing company known for its biodiversity publications, and Lecta, a paper manufacturing group recognized and awarded for its commitment to sustainable development, is no coincidence. Lecta considers its business activity to be inextricably linked to a respectful attitude towards the environment and society.

“L'Art de la photographie de nature”, available in major bookstores and on the website, is a brilliant example of paper as the natural choice for a more sustainable world.