Technical documentation

Technical documentation


Under normal warehouse conditions (temperature of 18-24ºC and a relative humidity of 50-60%) and in its original packaging, Eurocalco can be used for a minimum of 5 years after its manufacturing date.

Eurocalco guarantees the legibility of the copy for a minimum of 20 years, under normal archival conditions.

The legibility of both the paper and the copy can be seriously affected by exposure to sun light or similar light sources. In addition, Eurocalco should not be exposed to active chemical atmospheres, that is, those that contain the vapors of chemical products.

Eurocalco paper is manufactured and packaged in conditions of controlled humidity and temperature, with suitable packaging for maintaining the paper in stable conditions during transport and storage.

Recommendations for storage are the following:
Keep the paper in its packaging until it is to be used. Maintain as much as possible stable levels of temperature and humidity (T: 18-24 ºC; 50-60% relative humidity), avoiding proximity to radiators, air currents, direct sunlight, water pipes and contact with walls.

If warehouse conditions differ from those of the printer’s shop, it is recommended that the paper be left in the printer’s prior to printing until it reaches room temperature, keeping it always in its original packaging.

Paper should always be stored on the flat sides of the reels.

Avoid stacking unpackaged paper on rough surfaces and at heights that exceed 2 meters.

Eurocalco CB Sheet

As the pressure exerted by the guillotine can damage the microcapsules, the following recommendations must be kept in mind:

Reduce the pressure exerted on the clamp to a minimum (about 2-2.5 Kg/m2).

Place pieces of cardboard, foam rubber or felt over the stack of paper to be cut, or adhere to the clamp.

Corresponding paper height to 500 sheets per cut.

Eurocalco CFB Sheet

In addition to the aforementioned recommendations, it is also advisable to use a recently sharpened guillotine blade with a suitable cutting angle (approx. 19º) to reduce the colored line to a minimum.

Eurocalco CF Sheet

The CF sheet is cut in the same way as regular coated paper, although cutting with a recently sharpened blade is recommended to avoid sticking in the block.

Make sure the side to be printed is on the outside.

Do not wind the reels too forcefully; just enough for proper machine printing.

Apply uniform and constant pressure.

Avoid sliding during winding.

Be very careful when positioning carts, axles, bars, etc. Avoid excessive pressure or rubbing that may break the microcapsules on the bottom side of the paper. (In the case of Eurocalco CB, this would affect copy capacity, and in CFB could result, in addition, in developing color on the top layer).

Winding operations with Eurocalco CF are carried out in the same way as with normal coated papers.

Normal printing ink can be used, although it is advisable that the following recommendations be kept in mind:

Use low-solvent inks, as solvents can affect the copy capacity of CF and foster the appearance of undesired color.

Use medium- or low-tack inks; if necessary, and after consulting the ink manufacturer, additives can be added to decrease the tack of the ink.

Avoid excessive ink loads, as this can result in blocking and preventing proper contact among layers, which would lead to a decrease in copiability.

Eurocalco glue is designed for working with Eurocalco papers. If other brands of glue are used, the results are not guaranteed.

Microcapsules coatings and the receptive layer have been designed for optimum functioning with all Eurocalco sheets. If Eurocalco papers are mixed with other brands, the copy results are not guaranteed.

In the recommended storage conditions and kept within its original packaging, Eurocalco Glue can be stored for a minimum of 12 months.

With Eurocalco CFB 53 g/m2 paper, the number of copies depends on the printing system:

  • Handwritten: 4-6 copies
  • Typewritten: 8-12 copies
  • Dot-matrix printing: 3-7 copies